A subtle nod to sexy

Israeli designer Galia Lahav, is one to watch for those brides who dare to be different, but in the most stunning, sexy and subtle way. THE dress is a monumental part of creating that once in a lifetime version of you, that will forever be held up as your moment of perfection.

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elira alushi
Amalfi Coast as a Wedding Destination

Deemed an outstanding example of a Mediterranean landscape by Unesco, the Amalfi Coast is one of Italy's most piercing destinations. Here, mountains plunge into the sea in a nail-biting vertical scene of precipitous crags, cliff-clinging abodes and verdant woodland. The colours are so vibrant they come out and seduce your soul; pastels, blues, greens like nothing you have seen before.

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It is probably the most important fashion decision you will make in your life; the dress you will get married in. This dress has to be perfect. And itโ€™s not just a dress; itโ€™s the shoes, the veil, the earrings, the necklace, the minute details that only you will notice, but means the whole world to you. 

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elira alushi